Public Relation

Public Relations is a discipline which looks after a company reputation, with the aim of earning understanding, support, influencing opinion and behaviour. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and the public.

Every organisation, no matter how large or small, ultimately depends on its reputation for survival and success.
Customers, suppliers, employees, investors, journalists and regulators can have a powerful impact. They all have an opinion about the organisations they come into contact with – whether good or bad, right or wrong. These perceptions will drive their decisions about whether they want to work with, shop with and support these organisations.
In today’s competitive market, reputation can be a company’s biggest asset – the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd and gives you a competitive edge. 

Effective PR can help manage reputation by communicating and building good relationships with all stakeholders.
That means that what it does naturally becomes more worthy of notice. And that means improved opportunities for using public relations as a bigger part of your marketing mix. PR is an excellent tool because it gives you exposure you don’t have to pay for directly.

Michimedia Limited as public relations specialist creates and maintains a favourable public image for an organization they represent. We design media releases to shape public perception of our clients’ organization and to increase awareness of its products or services.